Consciousness, the Brain, and Free Will -- A phenomenological
For many years science held the almost self-evident belief that the brain is an organ like any other, and that everything we think and do must be the result of biological processes in the brain over which we would have no control. But is it true?
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Bewustzijn, hersenen en vrije wil
Lange tijd heerste in de wetenschap de haast vanzelfsprekende overtuiging, dat de hersenen een orgaan zijn als alle andere, en dat daarom alles wat wij denken en doen het resultaat moet zijn van biologische processen in die hersenen waar wij geen zeggenschap over zouden hebben.
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From Special Needs to Realizing Your Full Potential
How can we look at children using “constitutional typology?” Can we find coherence in and give meaning to their appearance and behavioral characteristics?
This Companion addresses these questions with examples that are recognizable to many.
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Van beperking naar ontwikkeling
Hoe kunnen we met behulp van de constitutietypologie naar een kind leren kijken? Kunnen we samenhang vinden in, en betekenis geven aan, uiterlijk en gedragskenmerken? Wat kan daar de meerwaarde van zijn?
Deze Companion gaat in op deze vragen, met voorbeelden die voor velen herkenbaar zullen zijn.
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Dementia and I
This Companion contributes to an integral approach of dementia and of the person that is experiencing dementia. It does not close its eyes to the horrors of the disease, but despite these provides new perspectives to meet the process of the withdrawing of the mind with courage and confidence.
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Dementie en Ik
This Companion contributes to an integral approach of dementia and of the person that is experiencing dementia. It does not close its eyes to the horrors of the disease, but despite these provides new perspectives to meet the process of the withdrawing of the mind with courage and confidence.
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Depressieve Stoornissen
Dit boek benadert depressie vanuit een fenomenologische en systeembiologische achtergrond. Fenomenologisch wordt vanuit patroonherkenning recht gedaan aan individuele factoren die het ontstaan en beloop van depressie beïnvloeden.
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The Healing Process
After finalizing the series BOLK’S Companions for the Study of Medicine for the moment, this Companion on The Healing Process introduces a new series of BOLK’S Companions that studies the Practice of Medicine. In it, we research the healing process itself.
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Physiology (ENG)
Can physiology give more insight into the living human organism than the mere facts reveal at first? Is the level of activity the same for all organs? Are the vital qualities at work in organs unique for organisms and limited to biological activity? Can we find a scientific basis to research the coherence between organ systems?
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Physiologie (DE)
Kann uns die Physiologie tiefere Einsichten in den menschlichen Organismus geben als es die reinen Fakten zunächst vermögen? Sind alle Organe in gleichem Maße „aktiv“? Sind die vitalen Qualitäten, die in den Organen wirken, nur in lebenden Organismen zu finden und auf biologische Prozesse beschränkt? Gibt es eine wissenschaftliche Methode, mit der die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Organsystemen erforscht werden können?
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Can we give a scientific basis to our feeling that human morphology has unique features? Are the human mind and the human anatomy ‘nothing but’ yet another variation of animal life? Can we find answers to these questions that satisfy both our hearts and our minds?
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Medical biochemistry offers insight into the continuous changes within the human organism. But can we remain mindful of the coherence of the (changing) organism as we study the details? How can the many processes be understood as prototypical aspects of a unique organism?